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As a fan of anime and manga, I have recently been obsessed with a particular show called "少女的秘密" (Shoujo no Himitsu), which means "The Secret of the Girl" in English. The plot revolves around a young girl named Sakura who discovers she has special powers that connect her to the world of supernatural beings. Along the way, she meets several intriguing characters, and together they unravel a mystery that could change their lives forever.

Expanding My Vocabulary

One of the things I love about "少女的秘密" is the beautiful language used by the characters. As I watched the show, I found myself wanting to learn more advanced vocabulary to fully appreciate the depth of the dialogue. To achieve this, I started reading "歪歪的漫画书" and using apps like Memrise and Anki to memorize new words. Now, when I watch the show, I feel much more fluent in Japanese and can understand the nuances of the characters' conversations.

Exploring New Genres

As my love for anime and manga grows, I have started to explore new genres that I never thought I would enjoy. One of these is "湿漫画" (shimi manga), which is a type of erotic manga. While some might find this genre distasteful, I appreciate the artistic aspect of it and the way it challenges my preconceived notions about what is acceptable in society. Watching and reading these types of manga has broadened my perspective and allowed me to appreciate the beauty in all forms of art.

Connecting with Others


Anime and manga fandom is not limited to a particular age group or demographic. In fact, I was surprised to discover that even a 45-year-old woman from Shenyang, China, can be just as passionate about these forms of entertainment as I am. While browsing online, I stumbled upon a blog written by this woman, in which she shared her thoughts on "少女的秘密" and other anime and manga. Reading her blog and interacting with her online has taught me that enthusiasm for this medium of storytelling knows no bounds and can bring people from different walks of life together.

Delving Deeper into the Story

The world of "少女的秘密" is vast and complex, with many layers of meaning and symbolism. To fully appreciate the story and its characters, I have started reading fan-fiction and fan-theories online. One particularly interesting theory I came across was about the character named Liang, who is a doctor that helps Sakura on her journey. The theory suggests that Liang is actually a manifestation of Sakura's subconscious, representing her desire for control in her life. Reading and discussing these theories with other fans has given me a new appreciation for the depth of the storytelling in this show.


In conclusion, my love for "少女的秘密" and anime and manga in general, has opened up new worlds of vocabulary, genres, connections, and storylines for me. Through my deep dive into this world, I have gained a greater appreciation for the power of storytelling and the creativity of the human mind. I look forward to continuing my exploration of this medium and discovering even more treasures along the way.