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Have you ever heard of the anime/manga Wai Wai's Vocabulary for IELTS? This series of comic books is designed to help English language learners better understand and remember advanced vocabulary for the IELTS exam. While Wai Wai's Vocabulary for IELTS may seem silly or even inappropriate at times, it has gained a cult following in China and other Asian countries for its entertaining and effective approach to learning.

The Wet Comic Phenomenon

One of the unique features of Wai Wai's Vocabulary for IELTS is its use of "wet comic" or "shimi" (湿漫画) style. This refers to the illustrations that are often sexual or otherwise suggestive. Despite the controversy surrounding this style, fans argue that the comics are more effective at engaging readers and helping them remember new vocabulary.

Meet Mrs. Shen, the 45-Year-Old Super Fan

Mrs. Shen is a 45-year-old woman from Shenyang, China who has become a viral sensation in the Wai Wai community. She has amassed a large following on social media for her enthusiastic and humorous commentary on the comics. Her love for the series is infectious, and she has even inspired other middle-aged women to start reading and learning from the comics.

The Deep Development of Dr. Liang


One of the key characters in Wai Wai's Vocabulary for IELTS is Dr. Liang, a linguist who specializes in English vocabulary. Although he initially appears as a one-dimensional character, he undergoes a deep and complex development over the course of the series. Fans have praised the author's ability to create a realistic and relatable character, even in a seemingly silly comic book series.

Discovering the English Translation of "Sakura"

One of the most memorable scenes in Wai Wai's Vocabulary for IELTS involves a group of characters discussing the meaning of the Japanese word "sakura". Through their conversation, readers learn that "sakura" can be translated to "cherry blossom". This moment not only teaches readers a new vocabulary word, but also highlights the beauty and cultural significance of Japan's national flower.

The Secret Lives of Teenage Girls

One recurring theme in Wai Wai's Vocabulary for IELTS is the lives of teenage girls. Through the eyes of the characters, readers are given a glimpse into the joys, struggles, and complexities of adolescence. While the content may be mature at times, fans argue that it accurately reflects the realities of teenage life.


Wai Wai's Vocabulary for IELTS may be unconventional, but it has proven to be an effective and entertaining tool for English language learners. From its wet comic style to the deep development of its characters, there is much to appreciate about this unique series. Whether you're a fan of manga, language learning, or simply looking for a new way to broaden your vocabulary, Wai Wai's Vocabulary for IELTS is definitely worth checking out.