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As a struggling student, I have often sought the help of my seniors to improve my grades and performance. One such senior came up with a unique approach to help me with my studies – he made me promise to put down one pen for every mistake I made in solving practice questions. This article is about my experience following his technique and the lessons I learned as a result.

The Plan

My senior, who was an excellent student himself, noticed that I tended to make careless mistakes while solving practice problems. His plan was simple – he asked me to promise to take down one pen every time I made a mistake. The idea was that once I had no pens left, I would have to stop attempting the questions to avoid making any more careless mistakes. This would force me to focus and be more attentive while solving the problems.

The Execution


The first time I attempted the practice problems using this technique was quite challenging. I made several mistakes in the beginning and quickly ran out of pens. I had to stop solving the questions and re-read the instructions carefully. It was frustrating at first, but soon I realized that I was paying more attention to the problems as each pen I put down reminded me to focus on accuracy.

The Results

Over time, I noticed a significant improvement in my accuracy while solving practice problems. I was making fewer careless mistakes and was able to finish the questions more quickly. My senior had also given me strategies to tackle more complex problems, which I found easier to implement once I started paying attention to details. I also learned that it is essential to take breaks while studying to help stay focused for longer periods.

The Takeaway

My experience with this technique taught me the importance of paying attention to the details when solving problems. It also showed me the value of taking breaks while studying and not pushing oneself too hard. While it may seem daunting to try a new approach, thinking outside the box can yield excellent results. I am grateful to my senior for sharing this technique with me and for helping me become a better student.


The "one mistake, one pen" technique helped me become more focused and accurate while solving practice problems. While it was challenging at first, with practice, it became more comfortable to implement. I recommend this technique to students struggling with careless mistakes and encourage them to try it out for themselves. Happy studying!