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Public Sun Li's Tears and Red-faced Biting of Iron Balls

In the Chinese video game, "Honour of Kings," Public Sun Li's unique skill involves her shedding tears and biting down on an iron ball, inflicting damage on her enemies while bringing pain upon herself. Through this vivid depiction, we can draw parallels to the challenges many face in the real world.

Life as a Wealthy Heir: Pencil's Perspective

Pencil is a second-generation wealthy individual in China, born with all the privileges that come with being born into a wealthy family. Despite growing up surrounded by luxury and excess, Pencil acknowledges the challenges and expectations that come with his status. In the same way that Public Sun Li's tears and biting of the iron ball inflict pain upon her, Pencil has to cope with the pressure to maintain his family's wealth and prestige.

From Japanese Beauty to Chinese Factories: Nv and Max


Nv is a line of high-end cosmetics originating from Japan, known for their unique and exquisite designs. In contrast, Max3232 is a domestically-produced electronic component, often found in factories and machinery. The contrast between the two products represents the complex nature of China's economy, where foreign brands and domestic production coexist and compete with one another.

The Power of the English Class Delegate

In many Chinese schools, the English class delegate is seen as a position of power and responsibility. As the representative for the class, the delegate is expected to excel in English and lead their peers towards academic success. However, this position also comes with a great deal of pressure, as the delegate is held accountable for the performance of their peers and may face criticism if their class falls behind.

In conclusion, each of these examples showcases the challenges and pressures faced by individuals in different aspects of Chinese society. The image of Public Sun Li shedding tears and biting down on an iron ball serves as a metaphor for the pain and sacrifice required to succeed. Whether it's maintaining social status as a wealthy heir, navigating the complexities of foreign and domestic production, or leading a class to academic success, all of these individuals face unique challenges that require strength and perseverance.