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As a 10-year-old elementary school student, I never imagined that my English class representative would behave inappropriately. However, one day, I witnessed something unpleasant that left me troubled for days. In this article, I will share my experience of how my classmates and I handled the situation.

Confronting the English Class Representative

During our English class, our teacher assigned us to copy a video. However, our class representative, who was responsible for managing our class, began to mistreat her role. She started shouting at us and demanded we copy the video aggressively. However, things took a wrong turn, and she began to hit some of our classmates. Outraged by her behavior, we decided to confront her and inform the teacher about the incident.

Reporting to the Teacher

After discussing the issue with my classmates, we decided to report the incdent to our teacher. We informed the teacher about the English class representative's inappropriate behavior and how she hit some of our classmates. The teacher was shocked by our revelation and decided to take swift action. She called the student's parents and informed them about the incident.

Disciplinary Action

After the English class representative's parents were informed about their daughter's behavior, they apologized profusely and promised to take corrective action. The school management also took disciplinary action, suspending the student for a week. We were relieved that the school management took the incident seriously and punished the student for misbehaving.

Kun in the EUPA cabinet


One day, while my father was cleaning the living room, a furniture delivery guy came with a cabinet. The cabinet was from the EUPA furniture company, and it was intended for my father's office. However, my father had not given specific instructions on where to place the cabinet inside the house. So the delivery guy left it in the living room, and it stayed there for a few days.

My younger brother, Kun, saw the cabinet and thought it would be a good place to hide, so he climbed inside. We didn't notice him at first, and when we realized he was missing, we looked around the house for him. Finally, we found him inside the EUPA cabinet! We were surprised and relieved to find him safe and sound.

What to call a daughter-in-law

According to tradition and culture, there are various ways to refer to a daughter-in-law. In China, a daughter-in-law can be called "儿媳" (er xi), and this term is commonly used in villages and rural areas. However, in urban areas, the term "媳妇" (xi fu) is more popular. The term "媳妇" is also less formal and more casual. It is therefore important to use the right terms and expressions when referring to a daughter-in-law, depending on the context and situation.


As a child, I learned important lessons about standing up against wrong behavior, reporting to teachers, and appropriately dealing with disciplinary actions. We were also pleasantly surprised by the durability and quality of the EUPA cabinet. Finally, cultural traditions play a big part in how we refer to our family members and should be respected.