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Today, we will explore the topic of vocabulary building and how it can be made more interesting and effective using unconventional methods. We will take inspiration from popular culture, such as manga books and anime series, and show how these resources can help us expand our knowledge of English words and phrases. We will also delve into the idea of personal development, as a means of enhancing vocabulary skills, and how it can be achieved through dedicated effort, patience, and consistent practice.

The Power of Manga Books

Manga books are a popular form of Japanese comic book that has gained a massive following worldwide, thanks to their engaging storylines and vivid illustrations. But beyond the entertainment value, manga books are a goldmine of valuable vocabulary that can be used to enrich our understanding of English. By immersing ourselves in the world of manga, we can learn how to use slang, idiomatic expressions, and complex vocabulary that are commonly used in day-to-day communication. Manga books like "Death Note" or "Naruto" are great examples of how versatile English can be and how context plays a significant role in learning how to use language to express our thoughts effectively.

The Art of Wet Comics

Wet comics may sound like a strange concept, but the idea behind this technique is to use water to make the ink of a comic book run and create unique visual effects. Although primarily used for artistic purposes, wet comics can also help us become more familiar with colloquial English, slang, and even regional accents. For example, if we were to read a wet comic series from a Southern state in the United States, we would learn how to use expressions such as "y'all" or "fixin' to" to express our intentions or actions. Therefore, exploring unique forms of comics can be a fun and engaging way to learn new vocabulary and improve our language skills.

The Wisdom of 45-Year-Old Aunties


Sometimes, the best way to learn is from our elders, and 45-year-old aunties are no exception. In many cultures, aunties play a crucial role in imparting valuable life lessons and are revered for their wisdom. But beyond their advice on life, 45-year-old aunties can also help us understand the intricacies of English language usage. By talking to these ladies, we can learn how to use formal expressions and etiquette when communicating with people from different backgrounds. We can also learn about nuances in language use and how to avoid making common mistakes that non-native speakers typically encounter. Therefore, conversing with older people in English can be an excellent way to improve our language skills and gain valuable insights into different cultures and traditions.

The Deep Insights of Dr. Liang

Dr. Liang is a fictional character that represents the archetype of the knowledgeable professional who can provide us with deep insights into a particular field. Therefore, we can use this concept to learn specialized vocabulary and enhance our domain-specific knowledge by seeking the guidance of experts. For instance, if we want to learn more about medical terminology in English, we can follow Dr. Liang's footsteps and study materials that are specifically tailored to this field. Specialized vocabulary may seem daunting at first, but having a genuine interest and passion for a particular subject can make all the difference when learning new concepts and vocabulary.

Unlocking the Secrets of Sakura

Finally, we cannot discuss unconventional methods of vocabulary building without mentioning anime series like "Cardcaptor Sakura," which is widely regarded as one of the best anime shows of all time. By immersing ourselves in this world of magical girls and fantastic adventures, we can learn how to use sophisticated and abstract vocabulary that can be applied in various contexts. Furthermore, anime is an excellent way to improve pronunciation and listening skills, which are essential skills in acquiring a new language. Therefore, watching animated shows can be an enjoyable and rewarding way to improve our language skills and expand our vocabulary.


In conclusion, building our vocabulary skills is a lifelong process that requires patience, dedication, and creativity. It is essential to explore unconventional methods of vocabulary building, such as manga books, wet comics, conversing with older people, and watching anime series, to break away from the monotony of traditional learning methods. By embracing these unconventional methods, we can enrich our understanding of the English language, and most importantly, have fun while doing it!