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As a 10-year-old child in Tree Elementary School, it can be difficult to deal with bullies and navigate the world of academics. In this story, I will describe the events that led up to me making a big mistake by copying a video for English class and how it ultimately led to me getting in trouble with the class representative. Additionally, I will touch on the consequences of putting my dad's tools in the wrong place and what the implications of age differences are in relationships.

Copying the English video


One day in English class, the teacher assigned us a video to watch as homework and take notes on. Unfortunately, I forgot to watch the video, so I asked a classmate for their notes. Instead of simply writing down what my classmate said, I decided to just copy the video myself. Unbeknownst to me, the English class representative was watching over my shoulder and saw what I was doing. Before I knew it, I was being reprimanded in front of the whole class for cheating and dishonesty. This experience taught me the importance of taking responsibility for my actions and owning up to my mistakes.

Desk Violence

Unfortunately, my troubles didn't end there. As punishment for cheating, I was assigned to stay after class and clean up the classroom. While I was cleaning, I noticed that the English class representative had left their books and pencil case on their desk. I was feeling frustrated about my situation, so I decided to take out some of my anger by knocking their items off the desk and onto the floor. As you might imagine, this didn't go over well with the representative or with my teacher. I quickly learned that violence and destruction are not healthy outlets for our frustrations and struggles.

An Oopsy with the Tools

After I had finished cleaning the classroom, I went home feeling upset and defeated. In an attempt to cheer myself up, I started playing with my dad's tools in the garage. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, and accidentally put one of his tools into the wrong toolbox. As a result, my dad was unable to find the tool he needed for work the next day. This situation taught me the importance of being careful and respectful when using other people's belongings, especially when they are essential for their job or livelihood.

Age difference in relationships

Lastly, I want to briefly touch on the topic of age differences in relationships. As I grow older, I am starting to understand the dynamics between people of different ages. One example that comes to mind is the fact that my dad is twice as old as my mom. I always thought that was strange when I was younger, but now I see that age differences can actually enhance and strengthen a relationship. It's important to remember, however, that age differences can also come with various challenges and need to be approached with open communication and understanding.


In conclusion, my experiences as a 10-year-old in Tree Elementary School taught me many valuable lessons about honesty, responsibility, respect, and relationships. Through my mistakes, I learned the importance of taking ownership of my actions and the consequences that come with them. While navigating relationships with people of different ages can be difficult, it's crucial to approach them with empathy and an open mind. It's my hope that my experiences can help others learn from my mistakes and grow into more mindful and responsible individuals.