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As a fan of anime and manga, I have been recently obsessed with a series called "少女的秘密" (The Secret of the Girl). The storyline follows a high school girl named Yuna who has a mysterious power that she must keep hidden from those around her. While reading the manga and watching the animated series, I have come across various vocabulary words that have helped me expand my English language skills. In this article, I will discuss my experience reading and watching this series, including the use of IELTS vocabulary, the controversial genre of hentai, and the popularity of the series among older generations in China.

Vocabulary Expansion through Anime and Manga

One of the reasons why I have enjoyed reading "少女的秘密" is because it has introduced me to new vocabulary words that I have never encountered before. For instance, the manga often uses words such as "propagate" to describe how Yuna's power spreads to others, or "contemplate" when she is deep in thought about her secret power. These types of words are commonly found in IELTS vocabulary lists and can be challenging to learn. However, through reading the manga, I have been able to gain a greater understanding of their meanings and usage in context. As a language learner, I find it very beneficial to explore different mediums of entertainment and literature to improve my English.

The Controversial Topic of Hentai

While "The Secret of the Girl" focuses mainly on Yuna's power and her struggles to keep it hidden, there are some scenes in both the manga and anime that fall into the genre of hentai, which is an explicit form of anime or manga that is typically sexual in nature. These scenes have been controversial among fans and have caused some to criticize the series for its inappropriate content. However, some argue that these scenes are important to the story's development and explore the complexities of Yuna's character. Regardless of personal opinions on the matter, it is important to note that hentai and other forms of explicit media are not seen as acceptable in some cultures and communities.

The Popularity of "The Secret of the Girl" among Older Generations in China


Despite the controversy surrounding the series, "The Secret of the Girl" has gained a large following in China, particularly among older generations. Many fans have praised the series for its representation of mental health and the struggles faced by teenagers. Additionally, the story's focus on family and friendship values resonate with many. Interestingly, it is not uncommon to hear middle-aged women in China discussing the latest chapter of the manga or sharing fan theories online. This phenomenon highlights the diverse demographic that anime and manga can attract and the power of storytelling to connect people beyond age or background.


In conclusion, my experience reading and watching "少女的秘密" has been an enjoyable and educational one. Through the use of IELTS vocabulary, the controversial topic of hentai, and the popularity of the series among older generations in China, I have gained a deeper understanding of the complexities and nuances of both the English language and anime/manga culture. I encourage other language learners to explore different forms of entertainment to expand their language skills and cultural knowledge.